Setup the Covid-19 Discord Bot in your Discord Server

How to setup the Covid-19 Discord Bot in your Disocrd Server (2020)

A Discord bot is like a helpful little program that lives inside your Discord server. It's not a real person, but it can interact with your server in various ways depending on how it's programmed. Think of it as a customizable automation tool that can enhance your server's experience.

Here are some things Discord bots can do:

  • Moderation: They can keep your server safe by kicking or banning rule-breakers, removing spam, and filtering unwanted content.
  • Welcome and greetings: They can automatically welcome new members, assign roles, and provide helpful information.
  • Entertainment: They can play music, tell jokes, run games, and even host interactive quizzes or polls.
  • Productivity: They can set reminders, track tasks, manage schedules, and even convert currencies.
  • Information: They can answer questions, search the web, and provide various data, like news or weather updates.
  • Customization: You can often tweak their settings and commands to personalize their behavior for your specific server needs.

A COVID-19 Discord bot is a type of software application designed to run on the Discord platform and provide information related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Discord is a popular communication platform that supports text, voice, and video communication, and users can create and join servers to engage in conversations.

A COVID-19 Discord bot typically offers features such as:

  1. Real-time Statistics: It can provide up-to-date information on COVID-19 cases, including the number of confirmed cases, recovered cases, and deaths globally or in specific regions.

  2. News Updates: Some bots can fetch and deliver the latest news related to the pandemic, helping users stay informed about developments.

  3. Preventive Measures: The bot may share information on preventive measures, safety guidelines, and vaccination updates.

  4. Symptom Checker: Some bots may include a symptom checker to help users assess whether they might be experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

  5. Vaccine Information: Providing information about COVID-19 vaccines, vaccination centers, and eligibility criteria.

  6. Public Health Advice: Dispensing general advice from health organizations about staying safe during the pandemic.

These bots can be added to Discord servers, and users can interact with them by using specific commands or by subscribing to automatic updates. Developers create and maintain these bots to assist users in staying informed and taking necessary precautions during the ongoing pandemic.

It's important to note that the availability and features of COVID-19 Discord bots can vary, and users should choose reputable bots from trusted developers or organizations to ensure the accuracy of the information provided.

  • About Bot:

COVID Bot gives you the latest stats on the coronavirus pandemic that has raged through the whole world. This bot provides information on the Coronavirus outbreak around the world. It can provide global data and country-wise too. This bot displays the COVID 19 stats of all the countries and of all the states in India

  • Invite the Bot:

  • Setup Bot:

Basically what it does is it does updates every time you want it to do it for the COVID -19. outbreak / virus, whatever you want to call it.

And what this bot does is it will update you on all the cases and everything like that, the bot will update and provide live stats of COVID - 19

So what you want to do is the first thing you want to do is you can invite the bot into your Discord Server.

Click on this link which is the invite link so when you click on that it'll take you to the in an online page in safari or google or chrome or anything and 

  • That page will load and select a server in which you want to invite 
  • Then click on the Authorize button 
  • Complete the captcha 
  • Now the invite process is over, Now you can close that tab and open the Discord App
  • You can see that the Covid-19 named bot is there, give it the Bot role
  • Create a separate COVID 19 update channel for the bot
  • Give the "send and read massage permission" to the bot
  • and close the "send and read massage permission" for @everyone

Now the write the following commands - 

/help - for Help

/autoupdate - /autoupdate <delay> updates stats for World every <delay> minutes

/autoupdateCountry -  /autoupdateCountry <delay> <country> updates stats for <c

  /covid - gives the COVID info
  /credits - A simple credits screen

  /disableUpdates - /disableupdates removes all auto-updates for the channel id

  /invite - gives the invite link      

  /list - gives the list of types to sort             
 /stats   - gives the stats of COVID          

  /top - /top <type>

Type /help command for more info on a command.
You can also type /help category for more info on a category.